The Purest, Most Bioavailable Vitamin C You’ll Find
If we were to emphasise just one word in Pure Health Liposomal Vitamin C, it would definitely be “pure”. That’s because so many other Vitamin C products today are packed with additional ingredients like sweeteners, soy, and artificial flavours to improve the taste or extend the shelf life. The problem is that none of these things do anything good for your health.
That’s why our Vitamin C is carefully formulated to be the cleanest you’ll find on the market, with all-natural ingredients that let it fully dissolve in water (and we mean it!). It’s also one of the most bioavailable Vitamin C supplements, thanks to our liposomal delivery system protecting the vitamin until it can be fully absorbed.
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- Free of sugar, soy, gluten, dairy, sweetener, preservatives, lactose, additives & artificial flavourings
- 20x more absorbable liposomal delivery system
- Easy-to-use 1000mg sachets
- "China Free” with everything sourced in the EU
- Completely dissolves into water for easy use

What is Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is an essential, water-soluble nutrient that we can’t live without. Our bodies need it for a number of different functions, such as:
- Building and maintaining bones, blood vessels, and skin
- Supporting the health of the nervous system
- Keeping immune functions strong
- Helping energy metabolism
- Supporting collagen and connective tissue
- Reducing oxidative stress and fatigue
Plus, it also helps increase iron absorption and works to regenerate Vitamin E in your body.
But there’s a catch: our bodies can’t store Vitamin C for future use, nor can we produce it ourselves. Of course, it naturally occurs in some foods, especially certain fruits and vegetables. But otherwise, the only way we can keep our Vitamin C levels up is with a supplement

What’s Liposomal Vitamin C?
When you take Vitamin C as an ordinary tablet, capsule, or powder, you may not be getting as much as you think. That’s because your body doesn’t absorb the Vitamin C efficiently, and you end up excreting much of the supplement without enjoying the full benefits.
To help your body maximise absorption, Pure Health Liposomal Vitamin C delivers the vitamin through nanoscopic “bubbles” called liposomes. Liposomes are made up of phospholipids, and because of their fat-soluble double membrane, can fully encapsulate other substances inside them. Liposomes have proven an effective way to deliver drugs while protecting them from the body’s digestive system… and now we use liposomes to increase vitamin bioavailability.
The end result? You absorb up to 20x more of your Vitamin C when delivered via liposomes compared to tablets, powders, or pills that don’t use a liposomal delivery method.
The Cleanest “C” You’ll Find Today
We believe too many popular Vitamin C supplements are packed with preservatives, fillers, flavours, and other chemicals that don’t do your body any good. So, it’s been our mission to create the purest Vitamin C supplement we can find. And with Pure Health Liposomal Vitamin C, we’ve produced something that’s free of:
Plus, our Liposomal Vitamin C is also 100% “China Free”, 100% Vegan, and 100% non-GMO.
- Sugar
- Soy
- Gluten
- Dairy
- Sweetener
- Preservatives
- Lactose
- Additives or artificial flavourings
Because Vitamin C is so important to our health and well-being, there are many possible signs that show you might be suffering from a Vitamin C deficiency. Some of these symptoms include:
- More frequent illnesses, such as colds
- Your skin’s more easily bruised due to weakened blood vessels
- Bleeding gums
- Tiredness or fatigue
- Rough skin
- Bent or coiled hair which falls out more often
- Weak and brittle nails
- Increased healing time from wounds
Beyond a poor diet, there are other, more severe circumstances your body may not be getting enough Vitamin C, such as smoking, alcoholism, anorexia, severe mental illness, or dialysis.
To keep your body’s Vitamin C at a healthy level, all you’ll need is one sachet daily. Each sachet contains 1000mg of completely clean, ultra-bioavailable vitamin C that you’ll readily absorb, thanks to our liposomal delivery system.
All you have to do is pour one sachet of Pure Health Liposomal Vitamin C into a glass of water (or other cold liquid) and stir. Unlike many other Vitamin C products, you’ll see it blend in completely… and then all you need to do is drink.
6 Ways Vitamin C Keeps You Fit And Healthy

Boosts your immune system (and healing)
This is the reason so many people take Vitamin C: to give their immune system an added kick and keep potential illness away. Vitamin C does this by encouraging your body to produce white blood cells known as lymphocytes and phagocytes, which help protect you from infection¹. It also helps these white blood cells function more effectively while protecting them from damage.
“Antioxidises” Your Body
Your body’s filled with compounds called free radicals. These come from the toxins in the food you eat, water your drink, or the air you breathe, as well as your body’s normal functioning. When they accumulate, these free radicals can create serious health problems for you very quickly. One of those problems is oxidative stress, which has been linked with chronic diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer².
Your body uses antioxidants to clean up these free radicals, which is where Vitamin C steps in. It’s a powerful antioxidant that, when taken, helps destroy these compounds and protect you from their toxic effects. One study³ showed that by taking Vitamin C, you could increase your blood antioxidant level by 30%.

A healthy shot for your whole body
Your skin, bone, and cartilage rely on Vitamin C to stay strong and healthy. How? Vitamin C plays a significant role in helping your body produce collagen, which is the most abundant protein in your body and used for structure and strength.
Research⁴ suggests that higher Vitamin C levels are associated with denser bone mass and reduced bone loss, along with helping to protect against hip and other bone fractures. Plus, because Vitamin C is so important for collagen production and skin health, those with healthy levels often experience faster wound healing⁵.
Improves Iron Absorption
Some of the iron we eat — especially from plant-based foods — is poorly absorbed. This can be problematic, especially for people on meat-free diets, as animals are a major source of more readily absorbed iron (known as “heme iron”). Low iron can lead to chest pain, headaches, weakness, and fatigue. Increasing your Vitamin C even a little can significantly improve your body’s ability to absorb iron and avoid these issues - just 100mg can improve iron absorption by 67%⁶.

Eases Tiredness and Fatigue
Feeling tired at times is a part of life, but if you’re fatigued much of the time, it’s a sign your body’s struggling to convert the energy you’re giving it. A potential reason for this could be low levels of Vitamin C.
A European Food Safety Authority study⁷ found that two key symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency were weakness and fatigue, so if you’re often running low on energy, it’s important to make sure your levels are high enough.
Clears “Brain Fog” and Reduces Cognitive Decline
Over time, low levels of Vitamin C could slow down your brain function and impact on learning and memory processes, especially as you age. Studies⁸ have shown that supplementing with Vitamin C to keep levels up could protect you from cognitive decline.

1. Huijskens MJA, et al., 2014, Technical advance: ascorbic acid induces development of double-positive T cells from human hematopoietic stem cells in the absence of stromal cells.
2. Pham-Huy LA, He H, Pham-Huy C., 2008, Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health.
3. Popovic LM. et al., 2015, Influence of Vitamin C Supplementation on Oxidative Stress and Neutrophil Inflammatory Response in Acute and Regular Exercise.
4. Sahni S. et al., 2016, Vitamin C and Bone Health.
5. Moores J., 2013, Vitamin C: a wound healing perspective.
6. Hallberg L, Hulthén L., 2000, Prediction of dietary iron absorption: an algorithm for calculating absorption and bioavailability of dietary iron.
7. European Food Safety Authority., 2010, Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related tovitamin C and reduction of tiredness and fatigue (ID 139, 2622),contribution to normal psychological functions (ID 140), regeneration ofthe reduced form of vitamin E (ID 202), contribution to normal energyyielding metabolism (ID 2334, 3196), maintenance of the normal function ofthe immune system (ID 4321) and protection of DNA, proteins and lipidsfrom oxidative damage (ID 3331) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulation(EC) No 1924/20061
8. Paleologos M, Cumming RG, Lazarus R., 1998, Cohort study of vitamin C intake and cognitive impairment.